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International Teaching Month 2024

International Teaching Month is a platform for collaboration of professors and thinkers from all over the world, coming from different walks of life. It gives the students an opportunity to interact and learn from faculty who are the best in their field.

Distinguished Speaker
Dr. Ricky J. Lee
Adjunct Professor of Law,
University of Notre Dame, Australia
Prof. Stephane Mechoulan
Delhousie University, Canada
Ms. Mel Flanagan
Former Circuit Judge & Adjunct Professor,
University of Wisconsin, Sarajevo, USA
Dr. Adam Dubin
Faculty of Law, Comillas University, Spain
Dr. Muhammad Ekramul Haque
Professor, Department of Law
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dr. Christopher Symes
Emeritus Professor of Law,
Adelaide Law School
University of Adelaide, Australia
Mr. Franco Camatta
Camatta Lempens Pty Ltd. Lawyers
Adelaide, Australia
Mr. Ylli Dautaj
Arbitration Practitioner, Stockholm
Adjunct Professor,Penn State Law, USA
Dr. Andras Hars
Professor, University of Public Service
Budapest, Hungary
Dr. Peter-Bačić
Leading Scholar in EU Law,
Split, Croatia
Dr. Stephan Barnes
Associate Dean,
Penn State Law, USA