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Environmental Law

Environmental Law

Journal of Centre for Environmental Law, Institute of Law, Nirma University (ISSN: 2456 – 2246, 2020) is a biannual; Peer reviewed journal run by the Centre for Enviromental Law of the Institute.

The Board of Editors of the Journal of Centre for Environmental Law is pleased to invite original, unpublished manuscripts for publication in the upcoming Special Issue on Climate Change and Law.

Call for Papers

  • The Centre for Environmental Protection aims to serve as a nodal centre in the field of Environmental Law by promoting, encouraging and initiating research related to the different environment related issues including analyzing the various laws along with factual reality related with environmental protection. To achieve this, aim the centre will emphasis and focus on the following areas:
  • Analysing public policies and their implementation in the field of environmental law.
  • To collaborate with the different stakeholders for research and environment awareness.
  • To promote, support and assist education and personal training program designed to enhance environmental information processing and utilization capabilities.
  • To coordinate with students and faculty participation in the environmental studies program that has connected and collaborative learning as a central goal.
  • Along with research activities, the centre proposes to conduct various theme-based activities on Environment protection and sustainability, and it will work in coordination Eco Club of the Institute.

➢ COVERING LETTER- All submissions must be accompanied by a covering letter stating
the title, author’s full name, university and year of study and the author’s contact
details. Only the covering letter should contain the above-mentioned
details and not the manuscript.

➢ Submissions must be in MS Word.

  • MAIN TEXT – Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 spacing, justified, with a margin left 1.5 inch and right 1.0 inch, top 1inch and bottom 1 inch. The first line of the paragraph is not to be indented.
  • FOOT NOTES – Times New Roman, font size 10. Substantive foot notes are accepted.

➢CITATION-The Bluebook: A Uniform Method of Citation, 20th Edition shall be strictly adhered to.

➢REFERENCES- The style of referencing should be as follows:
BOOKS: Robbins, Stephen P, and Coulter, Mary (2011). Law, New Delhi: Pearson Education.
PAPERS IN JOURNAL: McGRegor, D (1957), “Uneary Look at Performance Appraisal,
Harvard Business Review, 35 (1) 89-94.

including tables, diagrams, illustrations, etc, should not exceed 6000 words. Short
Communications, book reviews, case studies/executive experience sharing, etc. should
not exceed 4000 words; however, the Editorial Board reserves the right to make changes
to this condition.
All tables, charts, graphs, figures etc. should be kept to the minimum. They
should be given on separate sheets with sources indicated at the bottom.

➢ABSTRACT – The typescript should be accompanied by an abstract in about 200 words
along with a declaration that the paper has not been published or sent for publication

A soft copy of the transcript in PC compatible MS Word document format should be
emailed to the editor at:
The Editor in Chief,
Journal of Centre for Environmental Law,
Institute of Law,
Nirma University
S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad 382 481, Gujarat, India. Email:

The Editorial Board,
Journal of ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________
Institute of Law, Nirma University
Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway,
Ahmedabad- 382481
Phone No. 07971652803

Subject: Assignment of Copyright.


I __________________________________________________ author of the paper titled ______________________________________________________________ do hereby authorize you to publish the above (subject to the peer review board’s decision) said paper in the Journal of Centre for _____________________ Vol._______ issue __ further state that:

  1. The paper is my original contribution. They do not infringe on the rights of the others and do not contain libellous or unlawful statements.
  2. The work has been submitted only to the Journal of Centre for _________________ and has previously not been published or used in another publication.
  3. I do hereby authorize you to edit, alter, modify and make changes in the submission and the process of preparing the manuscript to make it suitable for publication.
  4. I hereby assign all the copyrights relating to the said submission to the Journal of Centre for ____________________
  5. I have not assigned any kind of right of the above said submission to any other person/publication/institution/
  6. I agree to indemnify the Journal of Centre for _________________, Ahmedabad, against any claim or action alleging fact, which, if true, constitute a breach of the foregoing warrants.




Date:  ______________.

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.