Centre for Corporate Law Studies, Institute of Law, Nirma University (CCLS, ILNU) designed a three day workshop on 26th, 27th and 28th of September for students of all semesters which revolved around the Valuation, Accounting and Taxation aspects of Mergers. The workshop was conducted by various eminent speakers. The inaugural session was conducted by Mr Chinmay Naik, followed the next day by Mr Suril Mehta and Ms Pooja Sisodia. The third day was divided into two sessions. The first one was taken up by Mr Kinjesh Thakkar and the final session was taken by Mr Harsh Gada. The workshop was an amazing mix of explanation of theories by the speakers, followed by discussions based on case studies and hypothetical situations. The workshop also included the conduct of various activities that piqued the interest of the participants.